SCT: TFBNJ Chapter 228 – Petty Ghosts are Hard to Deal With (10)

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Chapter 228 : Petty Ghosts are Hard to Deal With (10)

Brought to you by:

Translator: Wenhui
Editor: MengMei
Translation Checker: Wenhui
Proofreader: SakuraLove1928

Comments (3)

  1. Anonymous · Dec 14, 2021

    Thank you for the chapters

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  2. Anonymous · Sep 14, 2018

    Wenhui, MengMei and SakuraLove1928? Lol
    Thanks forma che chapter.

    Reply · 0 Likes ·
    • Vasosulf · Sep 16, 2018

      not just on this chapter, but for the entire series

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