Innocent Puppy

Poet, Editor, Translator

Amateur poet and wanna-be-writer looking to make your day a little brighter.

Innocent Puppy, Kidnapped by the Blob Squad and forced into Hard (editing) Labor. Don’t let them know he actually has no idea what he’s doing most of the time.

Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki Staff Interview

1) If you were a real demi-human in the GOKK world, which type would you want to be?

/o/ Dragon! Duh! Na, but really, I’d go with the Dwarves. Would be interesting.

2) What’s the meaning behind your usernames?

Innocent Puppy started out as a Joke, and kinda stuck. Besides, I am a pure and Innocent being! Osamaru is a Japanese Verb that means “to bring to a closure”, “to settle agreeably”, “to be put back in its (rightful) place” among other things.
So sum it up in English, it could mean “to make things right”

3) What’s your translation team like?

They’re both great workers who do a good job and make sure that everything is neat and trim. I feel kind of lazy sometimes when I compare, HAHAHAHAHAH!

4) Do you have any planned projects after GOKK?

orz… at our current pace, that won’t be for a while. though if someone comes in and co-translates I had a few I am looking at.

5) Do you have a message for your readers?

If you are looking for someone to complain to about the slow Release speed, I volunteer whoever told me MTL would be “Fine”. rocks in his corner
Hahahahhahahah! ^___^

MYBWLY Prologue

*Slowly floats over* Anyeong, konnichiwa, lei ho, salut, hello! Cloudy at your service! o7 You may not have noticed me but like all clouds, I’ve been existing in the background all along (totally not creepy, right?). Ahem… We’re super pleased to present you with this sugary, diabetes-inducing novel! Woohoo~ (ノ^o^)ノ Woohoo~ ヘ(^o^ヘ)

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Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki comes to Blob Translations!

  I’m proud to announce that Blob Translations is picking up Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki!!! Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki 《The Records of Kingdom of Galdina’s Rise to Power》 《ガルディナ王国興国記》  —– Author: 桜朔 Raw:  HERE Novel Updates: HERE Translation Schedule: Variable/TBD Staff: Translator: Innocent Puppy Editor/Guest Editors: Caelum, Blooming Frost TLC: Caelum PR: Bunny, Blooming Frost

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