Last night, I suddenly thought of laying on my deathbed as a wrinkly 90-yr-old prune. I was so scared. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to leave this world. So much to do, so much to see, so much to read, so much to be.
My solution was to get married. That way, at least I take someone down with me.
Chapter 136 : Eat Your Medicine, You Dunce! (17)
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Translator: Wenhui
Editor: Psyx
Translation Checker: Blobber
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you never know, if you go to paradise how many novels could be there?
thought no bl >.<",oh well that could be why fujoshi would rather go to hell...
anyway enjoy earth novels for now, then explore in your afterlife, thought if our memory resets
it would be so much ...ehm useful information lost <.<
Ahahahahhha and also spawn a pack of little devils and unleash them on the unsuspecting world?

what a dreadful dream
Good idea, and then, a dog :)
Thanks for the chapter.
Nice idea
Nice idea
That's quite a dark thought, but early marriage Congrats!