Perfect Superstar
Delicious Veranda

Perfect Superstar Updates

Hey guys, some of you guys may be wondering what is happening with the project and why there haven’t been any recent releases. I am currently in the process of filing some paperwork for colleges, getting my financial aid in order, and wrapping up some scholarship applications. Its a busy time of the year and since I took over a lot of the major parts of the translation process, chapters haven’t been coming out. Sorry to the fans that have been looking forward to the chapters and I promise I will make it up to you guys. Some chapters should be coming out next week if things go as planned and we will be adjusting as needed. This is just to let you guys know that I am indeed alive and kicking!

Delicious Veranda

Perfect Superstar Chapter 6

Hey guys!

Sorry for the late update again… I swear I’m not doing this on purpose… My brother went back to college today and I was distracted because of it. This chapter was just finished and no proofreading was done just yet. However, we will update the chapter as soon as it is done.

On a different note, we have a new guest proofreader that was actually a reader! Olivia will be helping proofread and bully me into editing faster. Please join me in welcoming her!

Chapter 6 

Translator: DSS, MZDriggle
Editor: DSS
Proofreader: Olivia