Shrieks and screams
Gripping your heart
As your breath disappears
Eerie silence of death
Welcomes the braves
Who passed the border
Gatekeepers of hell
Hides in the shadows
Burning those who dare
The perfect duo of death and dark
United with their love of sparkly
Oops, I meant
Blob Translations has done it again! I don’t know how we keep finding these translators but we’re welcoming another polyblobs (that’s translator in non-blob) to our team!
We’ll be debuting an idol duet unit, D&D. Not D&D as in Dungeons & Dragons, but DeathRZero (Zero) and DarkShadowScorch (DSS). The duo — proudly wearing the names of their chuuni period — are translating the wonderful one FL story of Lu Chen in his journey to be THE one.
But I can aleady tell you Zero and DSS are already my THE two
Well, please welcome with open arms (and open phones / laptops) Death, Dark, and the Perfect Superstar!
Start reading here!
P.S. the screams and shriek are definitely not kyaa kyaa or anything like that!
- Blob Translations Welcomes: Ittsuki and Kage - Dec 31, 2017
- BlobTV Christmas 2017 Specials — Secret Santa - Dec 25, 2017
- June Bride - Dec 25, 2017
Hello world, DSS here! Like the post said, I will be translating Perfect Superstar along with Zero. I hope that everyone enjoys the book as much as I do. Looking forward to a great project!
